Ruby Ale
5% ABV

Alcohol Content: 4.8%
Colour: Rich Amber
Bitterness: 33 IBUs
Beer Type: Best Bitter
Legend tells how the Devil offered to help build Durham Cathedral. He planned to make foundations of rock so crumbly than when thousands of people crowded into the Cathedral for its opening, the building would collapse, killing everyone inside. He dropped one of the stones in Castle Eden dene and it lays there still.
A strong traditional English best bitter. Rich amber in colour; Maris Otter malt is combined with Amber, Crystal and Oats to form a full and rich base for the hops to sit. Biscuit malt flavours are perfectly balanced by robust peppery and grapefruit bitterness, tempered with a hint of tropical fruit and sweet orange. A modern take on a heritage beer style. Allergens barley & wheat, Gluten removed – LOW GLUTEN.
Devil’s Lapstone
Best Bitter (SOLD OUT)
4.8% ABV